As a former Marketing Executive, a Portfolio Entrepreneur, and an ICF-accredited Professional Coach, I understand what it takes to succeed in high-performance roles and high-stress environments, what it takes to build and manage your own companies to success, and what it’s like to face and re-find yourself through powerful transformational work.
This integrated experience allows me to be a partner to my high-achieving clients, supporting them across their personal and professional lives.
With a focus on creating space and challenging thought, I use deep, transformational coaching to help my clients connect to a place of awareness where incremental success naturally happens.
I support and nurture my clients, but I also challenge them to go places that are uncomfortable. Real change happens when we push ourselves outside of our comfort zone. If I allow my clients to stay within theirs, I’m not doing my job.
I work with a select number of 1:1 clients each year. They inspire me every day.
They’re successful executives, entrepreneurs, investors, athletes, coaches, and more. They crave challenge and growth. They thrive on the excitement of the unknown. They’ve achieved high success, but often feel like something is missing or off. They understand the power of the mind and body, and are willing to try new things and play differently to unlock human potential. They’re accountable and invest in themselves personally and professionally. They know the growth and impact that lives on the other side of change, and they understand complacency and playing it safe are the enemies of success.
They’re ambitious, curious, and ready for what’s next.
Every coaching and inner work journey is unique.
I incorporate teaching and advising into my coaching programs, providing an integrated, personalized approach based on client need.
Each program kicks off with a 90-minute strategy session, followed by 50-minute coaching sessions. The average program consists of three months of weekly sessions to create a strong foundation, followed by a biweekly cadence.
Sessions take place via video and audio conferencing, allowing work with clients on a global scale. In-person sessions and half-day intensives are also available as part of individual coaching programs.
Click below to connect and learn more about working together.
I work with a select number of 1-1 clients each year. They inspire me every day.
My clients are successful executives, entrepreneurs, investors, coaches, and more. They crave challenge and growth. They thrive on the excitement of the unknown. They’ve achieved high success, but often feel like something is missing or off. They understand the power of the mind and body, and are willing to try new things and play differently to unlock human potential. They’re accountable and invest in themselves personally and professionally. They know the growth and impact that lives on the other side of change, and they understand complacency and playing it safe are the enemies of success. They’re ambitious, curious, and looking for what’s next.
I’m based in New York City, with the majority of sessions taking place via video and audio conferencing, allowing work with clients on a global scale. In-person sessions and half-day intensives are also available as part of individual coaching programs. The minimum engagement is three months.
Click below to connect and learn more about working together.
I use a proprietary five-phase method I created based on my own transformational and inner work journey. The process helps my clients reset and create lasting change by undoing the internal imbalance and conflict created by our ego. Although the phases are consistent, the order and experience vary greatly based on each individual journey.
The initial goal or reason for starting this work doesn’t have to be returning to your true self (or even feeling connected to that concept).
My clients come to me for a variety of reasons, including navigating change or challenges at work or at home, having success but feeling unfulfilled or trapped, wanting a deeper connection to their meaning and purpose, and much more.
Whatever those initial reasons are is where our journey begins.
We kick the process off by identifying the purpose (or why) driving the desire to do this work, and by diving into and creating initial awareness around how the ego is showing up. These both inform our goals and give us a powerful starting point for the journey.
Just like any change or growth, inner work requires space. Especially in the overstimulated world we live in. If we want to bring in something new, we need to make space by removing something old that’s no longer serving us.
Our ego disrupts our relationship with true self, which creates a lack of internal trust. Re-establishing this is important, as it helps to re-create that internal connection and communication that drives the transformational process. During this phase we use journey-specific reflection tools to re-create that trust, laying an important foundation for the work.
Committing to the journey and creating space allow progression into a powerful cycle of awareness and release. Each time we see a layer of the ego for what it is, its control is released, and we move deeper.
Once we’ve released all layers of the ego’s control, we’re back to our true self, and back to a place of balance and true freedom. This creates a life of being and flow that attracts abundance in all areas, and that naturally supports an ongoing deepening and healing process.
We have a saying in this work: You can only take your clients to places you’ve been.
What this means is if as a Coach you’re still primarily living in and working from a place of unconscious ego, you can’t help someone create awareness around their own unconscious programming. We can only mirror the depths and change we’ve experienced.
Because I’ve moved through this deep inner work and process myself (and continue to), I’m able to mirror for and guide my clients to whatever internal depth they’re ready to explore.
I work with a select number of 1-1 clients each year. They inspire me every day.
My clients are successful executives, entrepreneurs, investors, coaches, and more. They crave challenge and growth. They thrive on the excitement of the unknown. They’ve achieved high success, but often feel like something is missing or off. They understand the power of the mind and body, and are willing to try new things and play differently to unlock human potential. They’re accountable and invest in themselves personally and professionally. They know the growth and impact that lives on the other side of change, and they understand complacency and playing it safe are the enemies of success. They’re ambitious, curious, and looking for what’s next.
I’m based in New York City, with the majority of sessions taking place via video and audio conferencing, allowing work with clients on a global scale. In-person sessions and half-day intensives are also available as part of individual coaching programs. The minimum engagement is three months.
Click below to connect and learn more about working together.
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